A Structured Survey on Adverse Events Occurring Within 24 Hours After Intravenous Exposure to Gadodiamide or Gadoterate Meglumine: A Controlled Prospective Comparison Study (2019).

Journal: Investigative Radiology

Authors: Marco Parillo 1, Martina Sapienza, Francesco Arpaia, Francesca Magnani, Carlo Augusto Mallio, Pasquale DʼAlessio, Carlo Cosimo Quattrocchi

Findings: “Results: Within the 24 hours after the MRI scan, 8.3% of patients reported at least one new-onset symptom in the uMRI group versus 17.4% in the gadodiamide eMRI versus 17.8% in the gadoterate meglumine eMRI group. The difference between the eMRI and the uMRI group was statistically significant (P < 0.001 for gadodiamide and P < 0.001 for gadoterate meglumine). There was not a different incidence of symptoms between the gadodiamide and the gadoterate meglumine eMRI groups. For gadodiamide, fatigue (P < 0.05) and dizziness (P < 0.05) were symptoms significantly more frequent than uMRI group; for gadoterate meglumine, fatigue (P < 0.01), mental confusion (P < 0.01), and diarrhea (P < 0.01) were significantly more frequent than uMRI group.”

No follow up after 24 hour assessment listed in article.

Author and Affiliations:

Parillo, Marco MD; Sapienza, Martina MD; Arpaia, Francesco MD; Magnani, Francesca MD; Mallio, Carlo Augusto MD; D'Alessio, Pasquale MD; Quattrocchi, Carlo Cosimo MD, PhD

Author Information

From the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy.

Received for publication August 9, 2018; and accepted for publication, after revision, September 20, 2018.

Conflicts of interest and sources of support: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Correspondence to: Carlo Cosimo Quattrocchi, MD, PhD, Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Unit of Diagnostic Imaging, Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21, Rome, Italy 00128. E-mail: c.quattrocchi@unicampus.it.


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